EXP3_Final Submittion
EXP3_Group Statement
Xiao Pan (Particles)
The main purpose of my particle systems is producing something that distracting the players. I created different kinds of cloud, snow, or fire to hide the pieces that the players are going to find to form the bridge. Besides, I also created an effect of explosion to notice the players when they find out the hidden pieces. After that, I built up some special particle effects for the purpose of decoration of the whole environment.
Jeremy Tagle (Kismet)
I was able to implement kismet as a running tally of pieces, giving the players notification of how close to their goal of locating all bridge pieces they were. I also used kismet to call on the other fields of matinee and particles such as calling on platforms to walk onto and triggering particle actions when certain events or criteria were achieved. Moving the solidworks model through max to UT3 and producing the necessary meshes and materials was part of my job as well.
Tyler Pendlebury (matinee)
My Job mainly consisted of allowing for smooth movement throughout the level, this required modelling and the creation of elevators, and moving the peices of the bridge once located. I also actively participated in the conceptual development of gameplay and construction strategies. Furthermore i was resposible for setting up movies and raising the water levels.
This pan animation shows the section view of the my Cactus Model. And it focus on indicating the integrality of the model.
The Zoom animation illustrates the X% model, which was based on the 'Radius' characteristic of Exp1. I tried to use the linear shapes to represent it. I supposed there was a explosion on the surface of the model, which forms the linear shape. Then I figured out a new idea- the 'Bloom'. The linear shapes just represent the splendid effect of an explosion artfully. And the shapes were emphasised by zooming into a particular section of the model.
In the Y% model, I tried to create the crash effect to mimic my idea of 'Collision' in Exp1.From the annimation, you can see the force of the explosion went through the whole building, and a mass of flying debris, which demonstrated the fierce effect of the explosion. And the Rotation animation shows the general state of the explosion in a dynamic way.
The idea of this Machinima indicated is “Collision”. I thought the explosion is just like a kind of crash. The intensive explosion impacts the objects, and brings various effects of the diffusion of the objects. Additionally, the 3 dimensional filed composed of the grids that I created is supposed to test the diffusion of the objects on porosity. From this clip, we could see the small size objects diffused to a large range, and the range decreases as the increase of the size of objects. Moreover, I put an additional experiment of medium objects to highlight the “Collision” idea of explosion.
Found Machinima
In this Found Machinima, I introduced the source of the explosion idea of my own Custom Machinima. The man shot the planes with a rocket, and made a powerful explosion among the objects. This explosion was just like a process of colliding. Then, an explosion among the boats was arisen, which indicate the diffusion of the objects on porosity.
The GTA clip: "爆炸藝術與惡搞的合成惡魔交響曲影片" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDo_8yWmtQk accessed by 31/July
Observational Mode
Idea of Explosion
This machimina has inspired me an idea that the explosion makes the things broken off into small pieces. And this effect is splendid and gorgeous, that is what effect I tend to achieve and express in my explosion.
Final Model of EXP3
Draft2 Link:
Draft1 Link:
SketchUp Model Link:http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=226d6de4ee708f17c490d582f777ccfb
Steve Jobs's Space:
I created this space to express a sense of massiness, which can indicate the huge and powerful business that Steve Jobs are operating. And the complex linear structure under the glass corridor was designed based on the idea of electric circuitry, which means that Steve Jobs' power has extended to various fields of business and industries. By the way, the extended linear structure is also along the path of Steve Jobs's elevator, where the elevator can go through.
Meeting Space:
The primary notion of the meeting space was structual expression, which is illustrated by the disorderly arrangement of the numerous and massive cubes in the model. And its exterior appearance also indicates the fortune the two clients have accumulated.
Zhang Yin's Space:
Zhang Yin's space was designed with the concept of "Recycle", which was expressed by the repeating frame. And this kind of combination of the frame also demonstrted the idea of the gradually increase of her power in the industry and her wealth. Mreover, her office is actually hided in the construction, which illustrates her modest characteristic.
Elevators & Dinning Table
Steve Jobs' Elevator:
This magnific elevator is for Steve Jobs, who is the CEO of a grand computer company. The pane structure of the elevator symbolises the serious characteristic of Steve Jobs, and also indicate his powerful status.
Zhang Yin's Elevator:The elevator for Zhang Yin was designed with the idea of a sheet of flying paper, which is significant in Zhang Yin's life. I designed it to demonstrate that the thin and subtle paper, which is just like the women in many people's impression, can also release strong power.