Custom Machinima
The idea of this Machinima indicated is “Collision”. I thought the explosion is just like a kind of crash. The intensive explosion impacts the objects, and brings various effects of the diffusion of the objects. Additionally, the 3 dimensional filed composed of the grids that I created is supposed to test the diffusion of the objects on porosity. From this clip, we could see the small size objects diffused to a large range, and the range decreases as the increase of the size of objects. Moreover, I put an additional experiment of medium objects to highlight the “Collision” idea of explosion.
Found Machinima
In this Found Machinima, I introduced the source of the explosion idea of my own Custom Machinima. The man shot the planes with a rocket, and made a powerful explosion among the objects. This explosion was just like a process of colliding. Then, an explosion among the boats was arisen, which indicate the diffusion of the objects on porosity.
The GTA clip: "爆炸藝術與惡搞的合成惡魔交響曲影片" accessed by 31/July